Evaluation Process for Phase 2 Options
The Saskatoon Freeway team used a Multiple Account Evaluation process (see more details below) to choose the preferred alignment and interchange configurations for Phase 2.
Members of the team weighed a wide range of elements that were grouped into accounts.
Where scores for different options were close, the team used a consensus approach to choose a preferred route.
Beside members of the Saskatoon Freeway functional design team, the RM of Corman Park and City of Saskatoon participated in this process.

Road User Account
- Travel time cost (delay time)
- Vehicle operating cost (congestion, start/stop)
- Safety cost (at-grade intersections, Level Of Service/congestion)
- Construction impacts to road users (detours, delays)
- Maximized benefits related to construction schedule

Environmental Account
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) costs (construction/operation)
- Landscape (native habitat/grasslands)
- Impact to ecologically sensitive areas
- Impact to other wetlands (outside of the Swales)
- Impact to breeding and migratory birds
- Impact to Species of Conservation Concern (SOCC)
- Impact to Species at Risk (SAR)
- Impact to wildlife movement/connectivity (to existing wildlife crossings)
- Impact resulting from habitat fragmentation
- Lighting illumination impact
- Traffic noise impact
- Surface runoff/water quality
- Impact to heritage resources

Social Account
- City of Saskatoon road network (alignment)
- Rural Municipality of Corman Park road network plans (alignment)
- First Nations road network plans (alignment)
- Public information session feedback/acceptance
- Landowner impacts/access
- Business impacts/access
- Multi-use paths (connectivity)

Economic Account
- Employment during construction
- Development opportunities (land access availability)
- Local resource availability

Financial Account
- Capital cost (excluding utility costs)
- Operating cost
- Maintenance cost
- Utility cost/impacts