
Earlier Engagement

In the summer and fall of 2020, technical experts and stakeholders joined members of the public in three focus group sessions and a workshop that focused on determining how the freeway could cross the Small and Northeast Swales. That work is reflected in the alignment and interchange configurations selected for Phase 2.

In the winter of 2021, the functional study team held its first public online information session. We presented a number of roadway concepts and used surveys to gather input from residents, Indigenous rights holders, and local businesses.



In addition to public input, the team has been guided by the following:

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Avoid, reduce, or minimize environmental impact, especially in the Small and Northeast Swales.

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Include walking and bicycling options for City of Saskatoon and RM roads crossing the freeway, as well as plans for paths along the river and near the Swales.

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Maintain existing drainage patterns and minimize intrusion into wetlands and other land.

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Ensure safe and efficient access to the freeway.

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Accommodate railways and their expansion plans.


Noise Study

An evaluation of the traffic noise potentially generated from the proposed Saskatoon Freeway occurred in the fall of 2021.
Computer modelling of the 2063 traffic levels was used to estimate the noise generated by the Saskatoon Freeway driving lanes. The study compared noise levels expected from the Saskatoon Freeway to the City of Saskatoon’s Traffic Noise Sound Attenuation policy , which has a 65 decibels threshold.

The map to the right shows where the 65 decibels threshold occurs. Locations outside of the pink contour line would be below the 65-decibel threshold.

The study will help guide future development around the Saskatoon Freeway and the consideration of noise reduction measures for existing development at the time when detailed freeway design occurs.


Technical Requirements

The design team also had to consider a wide range of technical requirements:

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National Highway System (NHS)

The Saskatoon Freeway design must support inter-provincial and international trade and travel on Canada’s NHS. The Saskatoon Freeway includes Highways 11, 16 and 7, which are all part of the NHS.

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Geometric Design

The design team uses established standards to guide how they position elements of the roadway.

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Interchange Standards

The design team’s work must meet established technical standards.

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The design must allow for a maximum speed of 110 km/hr.

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Travel Demand Model (TDM)

The design considers future development around the Saskatoon Freeway and any increases in traffic.

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Level of Service (LOS)

The design team must ensure the Saskatoon Freeway is capable of maintaining specific traffic flow standards.

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